]> gitweb.pimeys.fr Git - config-20-100.git/history - .procmail/rc/custom.final.rules
Merge branch 'perso' of ssh://cerebro.crans.org/git/fichiers_configuration_branchpers...
[config-20-100.git] / .procmail / rc / custom.final.rules
2013-09-06 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-08-23 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-08-18 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-08-18 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-08-17 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-08-17 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-07-29 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'perso' of ssh://cerebro.crans.org/git...
2013-07-28 Vincent Le GallicMes règles procmail
2013-07-25 Vincent Le GallicMerge branch 'master' into perso
2013-07-25 Vincent Le Galliccustom rules
2013-07-08 Vincent Le GallicPremière version de .procmailrc