--- /dev/null
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+""" Codé par 20-100
+ script qui affiche des trucs à penser, des J-n des conneries
+ or that kind of stuff"""
+import time, datetime
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib
+import subprocess
+import json
+class Config(object):
+ """Configuration (pas de couleurs si on n'output pas dans un terminal"""
+ def __init__(self, color=True):
+ if color:
+ self.endcolor = "\e[0m"
+ self.blue = "\e[1;36m"
+ self.red = "\e[1;31m"
+ self.green = "\e[1;32m"
+ else:
+ self.endcolor=self.blue=self.red=self.green=""
+if "--color" in sys.argv:
+ sys.argv.remove("--color")
+ color = True
+elif sys.stdout.isatty():
+ color = True
+ color = False
+config = Config(color=color)
+def print_date(timestamp=None,color=True):
+ """Afficher la date"""
+ if timestamp == None:
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ return time.strftime(" "*30 + config.blue+"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"+config.endcolor + "\n",
+ time.localtime(timestamp))
+def add_title(titre, texte):
+ """Ajoute un titre à la partie si il y a quelque chose dedans"""
+ if texte:
+ texte = " %s%s :%s\n" % (config.green, titre, config.endcolor) + texte + "\n"
+ return texte
+def get_now():
+ """Obtenir la date actuelle sous le bon format"""
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ now = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(timestamp)[:7])
+ return now
+def get_lasts():
+ """Récupère la liste des derniers trucs vus/lus"""
+ with open("lasts") as f:
+ return json.loads(f.read())
+def update_lasts(what, value):
+ """Met à jour un des derniers trucs vus/lus"""
+ lasts = get_lasts()
+ if not what in lasts.keys():
+ print """%r n'est pas un "truc vu/lu" valide""" % (what,)
+ return
+ lasts[what] = value
+ with open("lasts", "w") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(lasts))
+def get_timers():
+ """Obtenir la liste des évènements à venir (J-n)"""
+ now = get_now()
+ f=open("timers.txt", "r")
+ data = [l.strip("\n").decode("utf8") for l in f.readlines()[1:]]
+ f.close()
+ timers = []
+ for l in data:
+ date, event = l.split("\t",1)
+ date = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(date,"%d/%m/%Y")[:7])
+ delta = date - now + datetime.timedelta(1)
+ if delta > datetime.timedelta(0):
+ timers.append([event,delta.days])
+ eventsize = max([0]+[len(l[0]) for l in timers])
+ timers = "\n".join([("%%-%ss J-%%s" % eventsize) % (event, timer) for event,timer in timers])
+ timers = add_title("Timers", timers)
+ return timers
+def exists(l):
+ """Renvoie True si au moins un élément de l est vrai"""
+ for i in l:
+ if i:
+ return True
+ return False
+def get_birthdays(*search):
+ """Obtenir la liste des anniversaires à venir,
+ ou la liste des anniversaires correspondants à une recherche"""
+ now = get_now()
+ text = open("birthdays.txt","r").readlines()
+ liste = [l.decode("utf8").split() for l in text if not l.startswith("#")]
+ liste = [[l[0], " ".join(l[1:])] for l in liste if l!=[]]
+ liste = [ [datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(l[0],"%d/%m/%Y")[:7]),
+ l[1]]
+ for l in liste]
+ birthdays = []
+ if len(search) == 0:
+ # Simple demande d'anniversaires courants
+ for date, nom in liste:
+ thisyeardate = datetime.datetime(now.year, date.month, date.day)
+ delta = thisyeardate - now + datetime.timedelta(1)
+ if delta > datetime.timedelta(0):
+ age = now.year - date.year
+ if abs(delta) < datetime.timedelta(1):
+ birthdays.append([config.red,"%s a %s ans AUJOURD'HUI !"%(nom,age),0,config.endcolor])
+ elif delta < datetime.timedelta(7):
+ birthdays.append([config.red,"%s va avoir %s ans"%(nom,age),-delta.days,config.endcolor])
+ elif delta < datetime.timedelta(14):
+ birthdays.append(["","%s va avoir %s ans"%(nom,age),-delta.days,""])
+ elif datetime.timedelta(30-4) < delta < datetime.timedelta(30+4):
+ birthdays.append(["","%s va avoir %s ans"%(nom,age),-delta.days,""])
+ else:
+ # Recherche spécifique
+ search = [i.lower() for i in search]
+ tous = ("--all" in search)
+ for date, nom in liste:
+ if tous or exists([term.lower() in nom.lower() for term in search]):
+ thisyeardate = datetime.datetime(now.year, date.month, date.day)
+ delta = thisyeardate - now + datetime.timedelta(1)
+ age = now.year - date.year
+ if delta.days<0:
+ birthdays.append(["", "%s a eu %s ans"%(nom,age), -delta.days, ""])
+ else:
+ birthdays.append(["", "%s va avoir %s ans"%(nom,age), -delta.days, ""])
+ birthdays.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp(x[2], y[2]))
+ eventsize = max([0]+[len(l[1]) for l in birthdays])
+ template = ("%%s%%-%ss J%%+d%%s" % eventsize)
+ birthdays = "\n".join([template % tuple(tup) for tup in birthdays])
+ birthdays = add_title("Anniversaires", birthdays)
+ return birthdays
+def check_birthdays():
+ """Compte combien il y a d'anniversaires à afficher"""
+ birthdays = get_birthdays()
+ if birthdays:
+ n = birthdays.count("\n") - 1
+ else:
+ n = 0
+ return n
+def get_dtc(*args):
+ """Récupère les quotes DTC non lues"""
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ cmd = "~/bin/dtc last"
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ cmd = "~/bin/dtc %s" % args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ cmd = "~/bin/dtc %s %s" % (args[0], args[1])
+ else:
+ return None
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "pimeys", cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
+ out += err
+ return out.decode("UTF-8")
+def check_dtc():
+ """Vérifie si il y a des quotes DTC non lues"""
+ cmd = "~/bin/dtc check"
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "pimeys", cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
+ out += err
+ if err:
+ return err
+ n = int(out)
+ return n
+def check_xkcd():
+ last_read = get_lasts()["xkcd"]
+ try:
+ p = urllib.urlopen("http://xkcd.com")
+ except IOError:
+ return "Impossible de se connecter à xkcd"
+ t = p.read()
+ current_id = int(re.findall("Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/(.*?)/", t)[0])
+ return current_id - last_read
+def update_xkcd(newid):
+ update_lasts("xkcd", int(newid))
+def check_all():
+ n_birth = check_birthdays()
+ n_dtc = check_dtc()
+ n_xkcd = check_xkcd()
+ l = [["Anniversaires", n_birth],
+ ["Quotes DTC", n_dtc],
+ ["XKCD non lus", n_xkcd]]
+ checks = []
+ for (text, n) in l:
+ if type(n) != int:
+ print n
+ elif n > 0:
+ checks.append("%s : %s" % (text, n))
+ checks = "\n".join(checks)
+ checks = add_title("Checks", checks)
+ return checks
+def get_everything():
+ """Récupère toutes les infos"""
+ work = [action() for action in AUTOMATED_ACTIONS.values()]
+ chain = "\n\n".join([result for result in work if result])
+ return chain
+def _is_there_something_in_today():
+ """Teste si il y a des choses non lue dans le today"""
+ return open(".something", "r").read() == "True"
+def _there_is_something_in_today(something):
+ """Met à jour le something"""
+ f = open(".something", "w")
+ f.write(str(bool(something)))
+ f.close()
+def _get_lasttime():
+ """Récupère la dernière fois que today a été exécuté"""
+ lasttime = open(".lasttime", "r").read()
+ lasttime = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(float(lasttime))[:7])
+ return lasttime
+def _update_lasttime(when):
+ """Met à jour le timestamp de dernière exécution de today"""
+ f = open(".lasttime", "w")
+ f.write(str(time.mktime(when.timetuple())))
+ f.close()
+def ping():
+ """Dit juste si il y a quelque chose à voir.
+ La première exécution de la journée peut être lente parce qu'elle va bosser avnt de répondre."""
+ now = get_now()
+ lasttime = _get_lasttime()
+ if (lasttime.date() < now.date()):
+ # On a changé de jour
+ _update_lasttime(now)
+ something = get_everything()
+ _there_is_something_in_today(something)
+ if something:
+ return "You have something in %stoday%s" % (config.red, config.endcolor)
+ else:
+ return "Nothing in today"
+ else:
+ if _is_there_something_in_today():
+ return "You have something in %stoday%s" % (config.red, config.endcolor)
+def affiche():
+ """Action par défaut, affiche toutes les infos"""
+ out = print_date()
+ out += get_everything()
+ _there_is_something_in_today(False)
+ return out
+#: Les actions effectuées lors d'un appel sans paramètres
+ "timers" : get_timers,
+ "birth" : get_birthdays,
+ "check" : check_all,
+ }
+#: Les actions qu'on peut effectuer en rajoutant des paramètres
+ "xkcd" : update_xkcd,
+ "dtc" : get_dtc,
+ "ping" : ping,
+ "show" : affiche,
+ }
+#: Toutes les actions
+ACTIONS[None] = affiche # action par défaut
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if "--no-color" in sys.argv:
+ config.endcolor, config.red, config.blue = "","",""
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ # Juste un today
+ output = ACTIONS[None]()
+ else:
+ commande = sys.argv[1]
+ args = sys.argv[2:]
+ output = ACTIONS[commande](*args)
+ if output:
+ print output.encode("utf-8")